Michael Rutkowski, CFLS*

Michael Rutkowski is a Certified Family Law Specialist (CFLS) and focuses exclusively on all areas of family law and is certified to represent minors as “Minors Counsel” when appointed by the courts. In addition, he also has state and federal experience in complex pharmaceutical litigation and intellectual property rights.
Michael grew up in the Bay Area, outside San Francisco, attending UC Berkeley where he double majored in Psychology and Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley, and after exploring neuropharmacology and cancer research, decided on pursuing a legal career as a means to work with new people and help individuals directly.
A graduate of Washington University in St. Louis School of Law and a member of the Missouri Bar, Michael practiced in multi-jurisdiction litigation settlement for several years before returning to California. He feels fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend time as a stay at home dad, which has helped shape a real understanding of the many roles parents play in raising children.
He enjoys spending time on the beach with his brilliant wife and high school sweetheart and their amazing sons in sunny Southern California.